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Building Your Stevenson


May 30, 2007: It was an ordinary day like any other.

Like any other day, my 8-year-old son, Owen, got off the school bus and crossed the street to give his grandfather a hug. But that day, something went terribly wrong. Owen was hit by a passing vehicle. 

Even today, seventeen years later, I can’t help but see him lying motionless on the road.

Rushed to Stevenson Memorial Hospital, what the doctors and nurses did for Owen in the next hour was nothing short of extraordinary. They stabilized him and readied him for air transport to SickKids. They kept my little boy alive!

Without the hospital being close by… without it having all the life-saving equipment Owen needed… and without the expertise of Stevenson’s doctors and nurses, my son wouldn’t be alive today.

As you know, life can change in an instant. But when crisis comes, every second – every moment – is precious. Like any patient, Owen depended on Stevenson. Now, your hospital is depending on you.

Stevenson is becoming much bigger and even better, but only with your help. Your donations will ensure that your hospital’s redevelopment needs are fully supported.

Usually, we don’t give much thought to having health care close to home. Until something goes wrong, and suddenly, nothing is more important. You never know when you will need an incredible hospital to care for you. Owen needed Stevenson and, years later, I needed Stevenson, too.

Fast-forward to 2016: It was an ordinary day until I got up from the couch, took a tumble, saw stars, and sprained my ankle. It was a freak accident, one that could have happened to anyone. But after three weeks, when the pain didn’t go away, it was a call from my physiotherapist that saved my life.

“Get to the hospital. Now!”

I rushed to Stevenson. An ordinary blood test found that I had a massive blood clot in my leg. A follow-up ultrasound confirmed the news! I was also shocked to learn that I was severely anemic. I had no idea! Again, Stevenson’s proximity, state-of-the-art equipment, and exceptional care team saved a life. My life!

Owen wouldn’t be alive today if it weren’t for Stevenson Memorial Hospital. 

I wouldn’t be alive today if it weren’t for Stevenson Memorial Hospital.

Chances are, someone close to you wouldn’t be alive today if it weren’t for Stevenson, too.

30,000 people – your friends, your neighbours, and maybe even you – visited Stevenson’s Emergency Department last year. These aren’t planned visits. Some of these are for minor accidents, and breaks. Others are critical, dangerous, life-threatening events. Like a car crash. Or blood clots. 

You never know if or when you will require health care close to home 

We can’t wait until we need Stevenson to support it. We need to be proactive. We need to be here for Stevenson today so that Stevenson will be here for us tomorrow… and all the tomorrows to follow.

That’s why I encourage you to donate your gift today to the Stevenson Memorial Hospital Foundation. And whatever the size of your donation, it’s truly extraordinary that a local family has offered to match new gifts up to $1 million for the hospital redevelopment.

This is no ordinary day. Today, your $35 becomes $70. Your $100 will become $200. Or, if you’re able to be incredibly generous, your $1,000 will double to $2,000. Just like that. Extraordinary! In a heartbeat, your money will multiply. Stevenson Memorial Hospital is building for tomorrow. Because of that, the hospital needs your support today. Like in an emergency, there’s no time to lose.

Here’s to good health. And here’s to a community that cares.

With thanks;

Diana Robinson

P.S. The gift you give today will help build the hospital of tomorrow. And thanks to a pledge from a very generous family, every donation toward Stevenson’s new build will be doubled up to one million dollars!