Goals for Consideration
In last month’s article, we talked about our collective opportunity to make a new hospital a reality in our catchment area. One demonstrated way of seeing that vision a reality is for us to set goals to make it happen.
I believe there are a number of concepts that apply to us in this endeavor:
—The responsibility for building our redeveloped community Hospital is shared among all of us;
—All people, young and old are equally important in participating to satisfy this communal need;
—Community spirit is enhanced by watching the results come in and celebrating with their friends and neighbours, as milestones are reached;
—An opportunity exists here to have us all participate in something that is much bigger than us as individuals; in fact, the only way we will realize our goal is to work collectively;
—The campaign builds a culture of responsibility and obligation in present and future populations.
We appreciate that everyone in our community has a different ability to give. We are asking everyone to consider making a gift that is meaningful to them.
Some may be able to give $50 whereas others may feel comfortable giving $100, and yet others may give $250 or more annually. You may choose to contribute through the monthly giving program, annually, a lump sum or by making a multiyear commitment with customized payment options.
I feel very fortunate for my wife and I, to be able to recommit to our household giving for five more years. Some of you may choose to do the same.
Naturally, each family needs to be guided by their own personal circumstances, which will dictate their level of giving. The main thing is that collectively, if all 73,000 of us do our part we will be able to raise $43M million, it will go a long way to building the hospital our community’s needs.
DONATE TODAY: https://transformingstevenson.ca/ways-to-give/
Dr. Ted Vandevis is the Strategic Advisor of the Because of you, we can Campaign